Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Two years on...and its only getting more challenging

Two years on...and its only getting more challenging
uhm nope...I’m not being emo...challenges are good :-)

All the amazing Christian authored stuff out there usually starts in prayer...and so I’m keen on that, plus any opportunity to talk to Pappa is good!!

Dear Lord Jesus, Lord help me to write - God that which is on your heart, help me to share my experiences with people so that they might see and hear and feel you in my words and that their eyes might be totally focussed on you and your most amazing love, cover us in your love. Amen.

Yoh, it’s been a rollercoaster ride since my last blog entry. Ups and downs and for some reason more downs in this season. A season I thought I would never see and quite frankly dreaded a little bit, but hey – one thing I know is never look back, unless through the blood of Jesus.

So I wanna declare (prophetically) right now...that I will not start another sentence with ‘It’s been a tough couple of months’...and then proceed with all my junk, I refuse to give the enemy any glory or believe any lie, label or accusation against me as if I were trying to humble myself by dissing myself – that’s why its always a good idea to ask God, “Hey God, what do You say about me” – I usually end up in a joyous laughing fit...wow...how He desires me and each and every single one of us.

Just last week at my small group meeting we played a game of encourage encourage – quite frankly I felt like sitting out, I was feeling so empty...what would God say about me or what would He say through me...what if there is like awkward silence...hectic...ha ha :-) But the words that came, the encouragement, the love, the prophetic words...I was like sjo...JESUS!! How can you see all this!! The truth is, by His Spirit, things were being revealed that were so deeply nestled in my heart, things that I totally take for granted...things I trade off to rather focus on all my junk - that I was convinced God would see my garbage pile and instead give me a word like...do not collect your prize, don’t even start again but go straight to jail...lol, Monopoly!!

Serve (praise) God for who He is...not for who you are!! – SELAH – (that’s Psalm lingo for pause and reflect...)

Quick testimony...the very power of our living God at work...

About a month ago I was wondering the streets and came across Odwa, a car guard dude. He asked me for cash...to buy cigarettes...I said no...(just had to state the obvious), plus I had no cash on me!! I was in a happy place and decided to chat to him, took my scooter helmet off and actually took the time to engage with him. I shared with him a bit of my life...yoh...love talking and especially about what Pappa has done in me. Told him how I smoked for seven years and have been ‘clean’ for almost 2 years – hey...it’s totally 2 years today!! He naturally asked how I stopped and I told him I gave my LIFE to Jesus (heart and all...every body part...ha ha). I encouraged Him with some good Godly council that Jesus could set Him free and well now his money could be used to provide for himself and his family...awe!! He seemed to like this deal and I asked him if I could pray for this...so I just prayed a simple prayer of faith. Tonight...I was rushing out of a pizza place when a car guard approached me, with my helmet already on I felt stirred to take it off and talk to this guy...ha ha...Odwa...I supernaturally remembered his name (this is true...I hack at names), but only after speaking to him for a while and he turned to me and said “I haven’t smoked since that day that you prayed for me” – whaaaaat!! Thank you Jesus!!

That guy, that car guard, that homeless guy, that guy always bothering me (you)...my brother!! When you look at homeless and destitute people in our country, cities, and townships, what do you see...people who need money or people who need love...in what ever way God wants you to present and meet a person’s need...always be asking our Father, what it is that He wants to do. Man I’m touched, this is not a story about a guy who used to smoke and now doesn’t – this is someone’s life who I believe has been changed, Jesus touched him and set Him free!! Amen :-) Hallelujah...

What can you do for His Kingdom that is insignificant? If we are moving with the rhythm of Heaven – you gotta know it’s huge, it’s an invitation for God’s Holy Spirit to touch people...to change lives...

I have so many friends whom go about their business – God’s business and it breaks down strongholds...things such as using your musical ability to lead guys to that intimate place with Jesus, using what God has put in you to do talks around the city about sex and relationships, loving people in the township areas and caring for their needs, having faith to see our university become a place of worship and the list goes on...none of this is insignificant if it is God breathed...and guess who gave breath to your life??!!

I wanna honour every Christian out there who wants to be that difference for our King.

[1 Peter 1:8-9] Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

One of the last thoughts and encouragements I wanna share with you. At our pre service prayer meeting this past Sunday, one of our pastors asked us to take hands and we prayed, united as one body. God spoke these words to me, ‘There are no heroes amongst you, Jesus himself is the saviour and the only true hero...

My biggest light bulb...bummer of a moment...in this past while has been me...me leading in my own strength, being that leader...trying to fit a mould which quite frankly Jesus did not purchase for me!!

‘He knows you, the way He met you’...these were the words I heard that gave me that spiritual awakening. Huh? What you mean God? I think a lot of Christians back down because they are too afraid to give what they got...cause the enemy spreads lies such as ‘it’s not good enough...you are not good enough’.

When I was still in darkness, I had no leadership ability – none. In my own strength I can’t even lead a cat astray...ha ha...like a stray cat!! :-) But through His grace, I believe God is changing my heart towards His, to love people the way He loves people, a raw and powerful love that is God himself.

Now I could try and get up in my own strength and administer this amazing love to people, or I could expect God to show up and use little ‘ol me, the way He desires.

That guy who came to the cross out of desperation and - cause quite frankly - I had nothing more to loose & less than nothing to give, I can just lay my life down (Luke 9:23 – still my all time favourite verse) and expect He will do something great with it.

...come to Him, and lay everything down

I hope you have found life and encouragement in these few words and I ask that Holy Spirit will stir you up. Come as you are, start laying your own agenda down bit by bit and expect Jesus to show up...He’s here right now with us...He loves you.